Earning vs Saving, which is powerful

Earning money could be difficult for many but it's practically it's damn easy if you use your expertise at right place and time. Let's guess I'm a good sketch artist and I'm earning from doing 9 to 5 job in corporate company. Will this be going to easy? I guess no. Now let's suppose I'm artist and doing it for someone who will pay me for my work for them now will this be easy? Absolutely yes. Reason? Just because I'm doing what I love to do and earning from that even I'm earning a little less from corporate company 9 to 5 job. Because I'm enjoying the process not the earnings. There's a quote that I heard from 'MBA CHAIWALA ' " Either do what you love or love what you do". You can also understand this by reading a best seller book Psychology of money's chapter Getting wealthy vs Staying wealthy

Saving money is more difficult than earning it as I asked you to read the chapter of the best seller book. But I have my own example to explain it. I didn't have so much capital to do with but it was around 60k and I was doing trading in Futures and Options. I was used to sell option with the use of hedging technique. In three weeks I earned around 16k net realised profit. On the next week I thought why I was selling them when I can guess the targets so well, so I started buying and on the same day I earned 10k within 30 mins. Next day I again bought the lot of 1500 quantity,  of OTM option, under my budget as my budget increased because my brain was calculating like ," I have to capture 2 to 3 rupees move and if I buy 1500 quality means 1500 x 3 = 4500 - taxes it would be like 4450". But as I bought I got around 3500 profit and again I traded I got a little loss as market suddenly reverted and I closed with 25k loss on that day. By the way if i was able to control emotions or have alot of capital I could earn like 1500 x 14= 16000 as market went down again, I was a put buyer, and hit 10rupees up target than mine. But I was and I'm learning from mistakes. So if I used stoploss or sold it a little earlier than I could be able minimize my loss that day. 
Other example of saving money could be that when I earned 26k in 4th week I already spent around 10k to 15k already so technically I was in loss. So you have to keep in mind everything that could possibly happen in future then you might be able to focus better on saving money for future. Don't worry I'm also a noob in this right now.
